Sketchnote of How I make the most out of therapy: Comic series

How I make the most out of therapy: Comic series

I am now very happy with how psychotherapy works out for me. But that hasn't always been the case. Together with my current therapist, we had to change some parameters to find out what works best for me. When another therapist asked about what she could tell on a training for psychotherapist about autism, I wrote down what worked for me. That was the beginning of this series. Reactions to it have been overwhelming, showing how important this kind of adaptations are for autistic people seaking help.

I am currently working on some form of continuation for this series.

Sketchnote of How I make the most out of therapy: Comic series Sketchnote of How I make the most out of therapy: Comic series Sketchnote of How I make the most out of therapy: Comic series Sketchnote of How I make the most out of therapy: Comic series Sketchnote of How I make the most out of therapy: Comic series